This redesign makes learning and using Asure ID easier and more intuitive. Updates to the toolbar and application sidebar to more closely mirror the look and feel of recent Windows releases.Asure ID Software Recent Release Highlights: The most recent program updates target increased functionality and support for HID’s ever-expanding access-control systems. It is also available as a free download directly from the HID Global website. Users of Asure ID 5 (all versions), should contact us for special upgrade pricing.įor help installing the update and accessing new shortcuts and functionalities, Asure ID also regularly updates the Asure ID User Guide.

It is available as a free update for licensed users of Asure ID 2009, and for all earlier releases of Asure ID 7. The latest release of Asure ID can always be downloaded directly from HID. We encourage users to keep up with these updates to take advantage of new features and prevent problems. (Note: Asure ID Solo software has an internal Access database with a 200-record limit.HID Global regularly updates their Asure ID Software version 7. Plus, a Quick Filter option allows you to quickly access any field within the database. You can easily populate card data fields directly from the internal database.

Asure ID Solo 7 Card Personalization Software