Try using Sysinternals Process Explorer v16.04, a Microsoft program, to see which programs are using too many resources. Although many claim Norton Internet Security is a resource hog, I have not noticed anything. You could also be running another program other than TS which is conflicting, such as a utility or anti-virus program. Perhaps you have a memory leak because you have a driver problem. I suspect 9.5 won't exit Beta until February or March 2015. I will not upgrade to 9.5 because it's still in Beta. TS is usually well behaved and I rarely have problems with it. I have never had any memory leaks with TS 9.1. Of course, each orchart.exe and even RadarScreen would never actually need 4 GB RAM. Keep in mind, even though TS is "only" a 32-bit Windows application, each EXE instance can still access its own block of 4 GB of RAM. I think the total RAM TS is using is less than 1 GB. I built this uber powerful system and I'm hardly using any resources. It would also create too much wear and tear on the 7 fans, too much dust, etc. I don't leave my system running overnight because I don't need to. View > Chart Analysis Preferences, "Multiple CPU cores" is enabled. Windows Task Manager shows very low CPU usage 1%-3% for TS total all windows. I have a system I built myself in 3/2011: Asus Deluxe mobo, Intel i7, 16 GB, 4 monitors, 2 nVidia video cards, recently upgraded to a 480 GB SSD. Have you faced this.rather does 9.5 solve this. I cannot leave it running for 2-3 days.tops 1 day to avoid an abrupt crash. For that reason I always have to open my station before RTH and close after RTH.

So in my case though I have a 20GB or more memory since I run huge number of indicators which gradually causes a memory leak. I think the previous versions used up if I recollect 1MB of memory.